
Professer Nobuko Nagase

Mail: nagase.nobuko at   ocha.ac.jp

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Nobuko Nagase is Professor of Labor Economics and Advisor to President at Ochanomizu University. She has written about work and family in Asian perspective, comparing Japan with other East Asian and Western economies. Her field includes wage structure and work choice, labor market regulations and social security, tax and other institutional effect on work and gender, marital behavior and child-birth timing.  Nagase has conducted empirical studies on child care supply, public pension, long-term care insurance, child care leave and other institutional features of the Japanese system. Results of her research have been published in various scholarly peer-reviewed journals, including Japanese Economic JournalJournal of Population ProblemEconometric Review, Demographic Research, Asian Policy Economic Review and Quarterly Journal of Social Policy.

She obtained her Ph.D. in 1995 and her B.A. in 1989 from the University of Tokyo, Economics Department.  She was a visiting scholar to Harvard University for 2013 and 2015 summer ,as well as  to Cornell University during 2014 as Abe Fellow.

Nagase has served in governmental appointments such as the Special Committee on Council for Gender Equality at the Japanese Cabinet Office, the Japanese Tax Commission, and the Statistics Committee for the Japanese government. Since 2012, she has been a member of the Science Council of Japan and a committee chair on Work and Life Balance Research. From 2017, she serves as a chair of promoting gender equality in humanities and social science research community at the Science Council of Japan.

From 2008 to 2012, Nagase was a principal investigator for a large five-year competitive fund on Work and Life Balance Issues: Designing Work Styles that Enable Career Development and Family and Community Activities. The fund was sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. From 2003 to 2007, with the support of Renmin University, Nagase was a principal investigator in conducting comparative panel surveys in Beijing, as part of a large competitive fund awarded to Ochanomizu University as the 21st Century Center of Excellence for the research titled “Frontier of Gender Studies.”


ホーム > English | 永瀬伸子研究室(労働経済学、社会保障論)