代表者 永瀬伸子より 研究の意図
Oxford大学(代表者Ekaterina Hertog氏)との日英共同研究によって、日英での家事ケア内容、夫婦間賃金格差、ジェンダー規範、さらに保育・介護・労働等の社会的制度の影響について、両国の差を見つつ、統計的な分析を行います。家事・育児・介護といった無償労働を、ロボットなどのテクノロジーが代替するニーズは、賃金率が高く時間制約が強い共働き家庭や助けが必要となる高齢者世帯でもっとも高く、新しい生活が形作られていくと考えます。技術の可能性や価格の見通しも重要です。社会慣習や技術の可能性を考慮しつつ、家庭にスマートテクノロジーを導入することのプラス面を拡大し、同時にリスクを日英両国の論者と議論して、将来を見通す場をつくることを目指しています。
research summary
This project will introduce unpaid domestic work into the discussion of AI’s potential to influence the future of labor. Despite the fact that working age adults in Japan spent 38 percent of all paid and unpaid work on household and care work, and in UK the figure is 56 percent, the future of unpaid household and care work has received little research attention.
Our goal is to make predictions as to whether and how AI and digital technology will replace or facilitate human work in multiple domestic tasks, and how it may affect gender division of labor within household and also women’s career.
We will build on existing predictions of the likelihood of automation of a variety of paid work tasks, but will go beyond purely technological criteria and also analyse relevant economic factors, such as affordability of technology and social factors, such as acceptability of machines performing different tasks in the domestic context.
Based on these dimensions we will build realistic simulations of the future of unpaid work and use them to evaluate the social consequences of automation in Japan and UK.
Dr. Ekaterina Hertog of Oxford University Internet Institute is PI of UK side. Dr. Nobuko Nagase of Ochanomizu University is PI of Japanese side. By applying to UKRI for UK team and JST-RISTEX for Japanese team, the two groups in UK and in Japan simultaneously got competitive fund from the government that runs from 2020 January to 2023 December.
Dr. Nobuko Nagase, Professor, Ochanomizu University (Principal Investigator)